US Council of Muslim Organizations Reiterates Support for Palestinian Freedom, Dismisses Attempts to Undermine Muslim Solidarity

(Washington, DC – 8/14/2020) The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), the largest umbrella group for American Muslim organizations, today reiterated its full support for the freedom of the Palestinian people, and condemned the latest attempt by President Trump, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates to undermine international Muslim solidarity in the struggle for peace and freedom in the region.

Yesterday, President Trump announced a public alliance between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Although initial media reports indicated that Israel had agreed to suspend its planned annexation of Palestinian territories as part of the deal, Benjamin Netanyahu later said that his plans had not changed. He also declined to express support for a two-state solution.

In a statement, the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations said:

“As American Muslims who support justice for all, we know that true peace in the Middle East can only exist when people of the region live in just societies free from the oppression of racist occupiers or brutal dictators. That’s why we cannot welcome or celebrate President Trump’s announcement of an alliance between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

“By praising President Trump despite his unprecedented hostility towards Palestinian freedom, and by forming an alliance with Benjamin Netanyahu’s racist government without achieving anything for the millions of Palestinians who suffer under de facto annexation, the UAE has attempted to undermine Muslim solidarity in the struggle for Palestinian freedom.

“However, the struggle is not over. As American Muslims, we intend to redouble our efforts to demand that our nation support justice for all people, including Palestinians. We sincerely pray that God guides the entire world to be worthy of better leadership.”


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